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Brokk 400 and 330

The Brokk 400 and the Brokk 330 remain two of the most powerful Robotic Demolition machines available for hire

Our 330 and 400 robots remain favourites for the more demanding demolition projects within the Construction and Process Industries and are routinely used in the processing industry for Slag Lining Removal and Ladle and Furnace Cleaning

They can be fitted with a wide selection of demolition tools including Hydraulic Breakers, Concrete Crushers, Steel Shears, various Buckets, Scabblers, Drillers and Grapples

Contact GNAT UK Today to Hire a BROKK 400 or 330 Demolition Robot and Attachments, with or without operator

Call us on 01748 826046

Fill in our Contact Form here

Or just e-mail us at

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